

Fruit and Vegetables



The geographical setting of Iloilo makes it as an ideal location to grow agricultural crops like rice, sugarcane, fruits and vegetables; undertake livestock and poultry; or venture into fisheries.
Its increased agricultural productivity is rooted in the shift from subsistence-driven production to business-oriented farming. The shift in perspective is pronounced among agriculture enterprises who integrated agro-industrial in the supply chains, engaged in product diversification, and a focus on niche development.
Roadmaps for Bamboo, Corn, Native chicken, Coconut, Coffee, Cacao, Abaca, Mango, Sugarcane and Aquaculture were prepared to coordinate mechanisms, identify vertical and horizontal constraints, and strategize on which products can be prioritized for diversification and for further development.
Agricultural production in the region is projected to further grow, especially with the construction of the Jalaur River Multipurpose Project II, which will provide year round irrigation to 22,340 hectares covered by the existing irrigation system and an additional 9,500 hectares rain-fed farms. The Project will promote diversified cropping, enhance production to reach a third cropping in selected areas, and increase water delivery to fish farms.
Moreover, aquaculture has maintained its status as a major industry in the region over the years. Iloilo is endowed with an extensive brackish water areas providing an excellent environ to breed mollusks, oysters, and several species of fish like Bangus (milkfish) and tilapia which that are in high demand today.
Iloilo also play host to the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), an autonomous inter-governmental body established in 1967 to promote and facilitate concerted actions to ensure the sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture sector in Southeast Asia.” The frontiers of research in freshwater aquaculture in the province continue to broaden with the presence of SEAFDEC.
Key Statistics
Investment Opportunities
1. Commercial production: covers the production of agricultural (crops, poultry and livestock) and fishery products. In general, crop production involves new plantation areas and intercropping of high value crops
2. Commercial processing: covers the following:
- Conversion of agricultural and fishery products, their by- products and wastes, to a form ready for further processing or final consumption;
- Extraction of higher value substances from agricultural and forest-based raw materials through bioprocessing
- Production of animal and aqua feeds for game animals, fowls and other species for pet/leisure purposes.
- Processing of agricultural products involving domestically produced raw or semi-processed agricultural products,
3. Services in Support of Agriculture/Agribusiness and Fishery
- Irrigation: covers irrigation system primarily intended to render service to agricultural farms. Irrigation system shall include water source, distribution lines and control mechanisms, also pumps, generators and transformers.
- Post Harvest Facilities: covers mechanized harvesting services, cold storage, freezing, bulk handling and storage, packing houses, trading centers, and ice plants, triple A slaughterhouses
Reports and Publications (links to PDF)
Iloilo Province
Iloilo City